Register and save the date to join us as manufacturing and technology experts break down the myths and obstacles to integrating industry leading digital technologies into your organization. You’ll also have ample opportunities to network with your peers industry experts and leaders
Depending on your organization, the right attendee(s) might be:
• Decision maker of factory floor production
• Company leadership
• Plant/Operations manager
• Technology specialist
9:30-10:00 Arrival and Coffee
10:00-10:10 Welcome
10:10-10:30 Keynote Address: Strengthening Your Competitiveness Through Smart Manufacturing
A practical look at the strategies and recommendations that is helping manufacturers across the country dramatically improve their throughput, productivity and quality.
Speaker: John Dyck, CEO CESMII
10:30-11:10 Manufacturer Panel
Manufacturers will talk honestly about their own smart manufacturing journey, where they found help and where they hit roadblocks along the way. Each will share what they will be tackling next.
Moderator: John Dyk, CEO CESMII
11:10-11:30 Resources Available for manufacturers:
Program managers will have a rapid-fire session where they will share quick overviews of various programs and products available to manufacturers and how they might fit together.
11:30-1:00 Lunch, Networking and Technology “Petting Zoo”
Programs, vendors, integrators, and others in the ecosystem will have tables and demos set up for this mini-expo. Lunch will be served.
1:00-1:45 Breakout sessions:
Moderator: Ginger Lippert, VP of Talent, Strategy, and Engagement for TechPoint
2:00 – 3:30 Breakout sessions:
3:30-3:45 Closing Remarks: How do you jumpstart your next steps along this journey?
3:45-4:30 Networking
3:30-3:45 Closing Remarks: How do you jumpstart your next steps along this journey?
3:45-4:30 Networking